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Leadership for Learning

Standard 12: Professional staff members implement curriculum and instruction that are aligned for relevancy, inclusion, and effectiveness. 


Self-Rating: 3

Professional faculty members have been working on developing curriculum maps for each course taught in their classroom.  The maps include the key standards addressed in each course, essential questions for each unit/chapter, and the timing of the units.  This process has been ongoing for the past three years and will continue to be updated and monitored by administration and faculty to ensure alignment with state standards.  


Multiple assessments are used throughout the year to determine student progress.  Faculty members use testing data from their own assessments as well as MAP, NSCAS, and ACT to determine areas of concern. Teaching and learning adjustments are made to address deficiencies with specific students or an entire class.  Adjustments and/or accommodations can be made for students with IEPs and 504s as necessary.  


Curriculum selection and implementation in the elementary is decided upon by the teachers after reviewing and analyzing sample curriculum sent to us. Zoom calls have been used with the publishing companies to better understand the features of the curriculum being reviewed. 


 In the junior high and high school, it is the responsibility of the faculty member endorsed in the area to determine the curriculum that is the best fit for the school's needs.  With the small number of faculty members, there is not a great opportunity for collaboration in the high school (i.e., one math teacher, one social studies teacher, etc.) when making curriculum decisions. 


The 5D+ Instructional Model is being used to guide professional development of staff members.  It is used as an evaluation tool for teachers and observations from administration are entered into the system providing feedback and comments for professional staff.  5D+ focuses on curriculum and pedagogy, assessment for student learning, classroom environment and culture, purpose and student engagement.  Faculty are asked to provide input on choosing areas of focus in each of these five areas.   


Professional staff members will continue to update the curriculum maps as needed to account for new textbooks/curriculum as well as alignment with new state standards as they are approved and implemented.  


School leaders will continue to use the 5D+ Instructional model to guide student learning and staff development. 

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