Growth in Learning
Standard 25: Leaders promote action research by professional staff members to improve their practice and advance learning.
Self-Rating: 3
Chambers Public School leaders strive to create and preserve a culture that welcomes input from our staff and community. Our district provides opportunities for communication about instructional problems and issues relevant to our district. Monthly parent meetings help create an open dialogue between stakeholders and administration. Teachers often attend morning meetings where the administration welcomes input regarding policies and events.
Chambers Public School staff members regularly meet and communicate through professional learning communities. While meeting in these PLCs, staff utilizes action research to solve problems and improve professional practices in their own classrooms. Data collected from Acadience, Star Math, Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, Accelerated Reading, Map Growth, NSCAS, Pre-ACT, ACT, and ASVAB is used to make informed instructional changes to daily instruction.
Chambers Public School leaders--along with ESU 8 staff members--provide professional development opportunities and and learning opportunities customized for staff members. Professional learning communities use this research for classroom intervention, as well as individualized education plans and 504 plans.