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Leadership for Learning

Standard 8: The governing authority demonstrates a commitment to learners by collaborating with leaders to uphold the institution's priorities and to drive continuous improvement.


Self-Rating: 3

Chambers Public School has instituted a Continuous Improvement Plan. The Chambers Public School Board of Education has a Board of Education Policies Handbook that defines stakeholder involvement in the continuous improvement process. As evidence for the collaborative nature of the interactions between Board members and staff, a committee of administrators, faculty, and Board members is currently reviewing and revising the Board’s policy handbook. Also, one board member attends Chambers Public School Support Committee (formerly Safety Committee) meetings. 


Other board members are helping with the continuous improvement process by attending new member training and NASB finance workshops. Every new board member elected since Mr. Frank Jesse has been superintendent has completed the NASB new board member training.  One Board member attended the State Education conference in 2021.  Another attended several meetings and a budget workshop.  Others have also attended budget training.  Board members attend other sessions/workshops as they arise in order to improve their effectiveness as governing authority members, which also aids the continuous improvement process.


Data from MAP and NSCAS testing results are analyzed twice yearly and those results are used to guide the school improvement process. Adjustments are made to the Continuous Improvement Process based on feedback from test results. Faculty members make adjustments in their instruction based on these findings. These collective actions have had a positive effect on the overall culture of the institution.


Chambers School leaders should continue to allow the results of data be the driving force for the Continuous Improvement Process. That process is most effective when the governing authority, leadership, and professional staff members all work together toward a common goal.

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