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Leadership for Learning

Standard 22: Instruction is monitored and adjusted to advance and deepen individual learners' knowledge and understanding of the curriculum.  


Self-Rating: 4

Professional staff members consistently monitor and adjust instruction based on each learner’s response to instruction and achievement of desired learning targets.  Professional staff members use a formal, systematic process for analyzing trend and current data to deepen each learners’ understanding of content at increasing levels of complexity.    

Evidence that supports the rating is the 5D+ Evaluation System used to observe teachers.  This system also allows teachers to evaluate themselves as teachers to improve their teaching.  PLC groups have been formed to discuss grade level topics, issues, and trends in education.  Teachers provide lesson plans weekly, and have submitted curriculum maps for the entire year.   


The instructional environment ensures active engagement of learners by teachers allowing students opportunities to perform activities to show their level of understanding.  MAP and NSCAS data are used to determine if students are reaching their potential.  If not, teachers then reteach and help the students gain the knowledge they need to be successful.  Then, when the tests are administered again, the data proves they have met their goal.  


Learners participate with confidence because they have practiced several times in the classroom, are given opportunities to be successful, and are encouraged to do their best.  The teachers use this data to manipulate lessons where needed and reteach lessons to allow students more opportunities to have success.  Rubrics, tests scores, teacher checklists, and report cards also provide data for knowledge and understanding.


Strategies are are employed to provide learners agency over their learning. These include adjusting instruction based on each student's response to instruction and achievement. In addition, students are allowed to voice how they can learn information more effectively. Students are also allowed to help write lessons or questions that deepen their understanding of a lesson, topic, unit, or learning target.

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