Leadership for Learning
Standard 9: Leaders cultivate effective individual and collective leadership among stakeholders.
Self-Rating: 3
The Chambers Public School Board of Education has a Board of Education Policies Handbook that defines stakeholder involvement in the continuous improvement process. The Board of Education is currently reviewing and revising the Board’s policy handbook with the help of a committee made up of administration, faculty, and board members. The handbook describes governing authority training along with leadership development and ethics. Board members routinely take additional training and attend conferences, all of which supports the school’s goals and priorities
Annual stakeholder survey results are reviewed to determine needs and areas to focus improvement in supporting the
goals of Chambers Public School.
The governing authority seeks to involve all stakeholders in the decision-making process. Faculty members are encouraged to join committees that make decisions regarding school improvement. Parent meetings have been offered monthly to increase the level of communication between leadership and parent stakeholders.
Chambers School leaders should continue to encourage leadership and offer leadership opportunities for all stakeholders. At the same time stakeholders need to recognize the importance of sharing the responsibilities that support the goals of Chambers Public School.