Leadership for Learning
Standard 20: Learners engage in experiences that promote and develop their self-confidence and love of learning.
Self-Rating: 4
Learners consistently pursue challenging opportunities that may not always result in success, knowing that they will be supported when needed. Learners readily and consistently show motivation, curiosity, and excitement about their learning.
The instructional environment that is provided, provides active engagement in many formats. At the elementary level, the Accelerated Reading program is implemented. This gives students immediate feedback on the reading levels they are pursuing and students can advance at a rate that is beneficial to each individual student. Elementary students also get to choose what grade level they pursue on different learning educational websites, such as Scholastic, Starfall, and IXL.. Students in the upper levels partake in job shadowing and work experiences in the immediate community and beyond. The school encourages upper-level students to attend programs put on by state universities during the school year. These programs--such as a careers exploration day in Kearney and a college experience day in Norfolk--enable students to explore different career paths while still in high school.
Learners participate with confidence in different classes because they have been afforded the opportunity to ask questions of instructors and fellow students without fear of reprisal and with confidence that their questions will be answered with true answers to the best ability. Students are also allowed to retake assignments that were more difficult for them and to retake tests if they choose.
Students in grades 3-8 that have been identified as HAL students are given the opportunity to attend workshops to advance to their fullest potential. Students in all grades have contests that they may participate in, such as quiz bowl, judging contests, spelling bees, County Government Day, and scholastic contests. Students are encouraged to choose activities that interest them. They do are given recognition for their accomplishments in these activities on several fronts.